I find that most smokers started at a early age due to peer pressure, rebellion, or maybe it was just the cool thing to do. We use Hypnotherapy in several different ways and sometimes we have to go back to the beginning and look at those events through the eyes of an adult. By delivering strong suggestions to the subconcious mind of the client being a non-smoker and remaining a non-smoker, because it is as if he/she had never smoked that first time, we have an outstanding success rate. For many clients, they are successful after just one session, but we ALWAYS recommend at least two follow ups as a re-enforcement.
You might have a lot of reasons why you can’t quit. Maybe you have tried several times to quit only to start smoking again and you don’t want to waste money on another program that won’t work for you. Smokers always have a long list of reasons why they can’t quit like – not enough willpower, cigarettes are like an old friend to me, I don’t know what I’d do with my hands. I have too much stress right now and hundreds of more.
There is only one perfect time to quit and that is now. Take a moment and imagine yourself as an ex-smoker and all the benefits you will be experiencing. Your clothes don’t smell of cigarette smoke anymore. You don’t have to go outside to grab a quick smoke. You notice how food is tasting better. Your friends and family are so proud of you. You feel really good about yourself.
Other smokers are asking you how you quit. You’re able to tell them your journey to be an ex-smoker and they see hope for themselves. You wonder why you waited so long to be an ex-smoker. Are you ready to free of cigarettes? Are you ready to get you to get your life back for good?
Check out these studies;
90.6% stop smoking success rate achieved through hypnotic program.University of Washington School of Medicine, Dept’s. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.
87.0% Freed from Tobacco Use with Hypnosis.Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7. PMID: 7862796 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
81.0% Reported They Had Stopped Smoking after HypnosisTexas Au0026amp;M University, System Health Science Center, College of Medicine, College Station, TX USA. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81.
Hypnosis Patients Double Their Chances to Continue Smoke-Free After 24 Month.Wynd, CA. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250.
Hypnosis is most efficient way to stop smoking, Says Major Study: Outperforming Patch by three times and Willpower Fifteen Times.University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992.
Call me, I have a plan
Let’s set the date, you finally get to stop smoking.
The plan;
- Set a quit date.
- Don’t buy cigarettes that will last beyond your quit date.
- Post its, post its, post its. Put them up everywhere. On your tv, desk, bathroom mirror, fridge, in your car and everywhere that you go to smoke. This helps get your subconcious mind used to the idea that you ARE going to stop smoking.
- Write on them, your quit date and “I finally get to give up smoking.
- You are now on the home stretch to freedom from a terrible and expensive habit.
3 days before your quit date;
- Think about what you will do with all that money you will be saving, when you no longer have to buy cigarettes
- Think of who you can reach out to when you need help
2 days before your quit date;
- Get excited!!!
- KNOW you will be successful
- BELIEVE you will be successful
1 day before your quit date;
- You are done practicing. No stashing cigarettes in case you fail!
- Get rid of your ashtrays
- Wash the ashtray in your car and fill it with coins, to remind you of the change you have made.
- Make sure all of the cigarette butts in the trash are wet and ruined. (you know why)
Quit day
- No practicing before you arrive at my office
- Remind family and friends that this is your quit day
- Bring any leftover cigarettes to my office
- Smoke your last cigarette before you walk into my office
You are giving up something that you truly and honestly didn’t like anyway.
Now you will;
- Begin healing. Not only your lungs, but your entire body will begin to repair itself more rapidly. This will begin in the first 24 hours
- Lower your blood pressure in the first 24 hours
- Cut your smoke related coughing tremendously in your first 24 hours
- Feel as if you are more in control of your life
- Your clothes, hair and car will begin to smell better
- Have more stamina for physical activities
- Protect your family and friends from second hand smoke
You will feel proud, because you;
- No longer “Need” to go out in the rain, wind, snow and freezing temperatures, being treated like a second class citizen, feeling shame and disgrace.
- No longer pay extra taxes
- No longer give away your hard earned money to big tobacco companies, who could care less about you, your health, or if you needed that extra money to pay important bills
- You get to KEEP that hard earned money!!!
No way can you afford NOT to quit.
Call me today and let’s get started being healthy again!!! 541-500-7832